Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Visitor Management Solutions for Societies

Visitor Management Solutions for Societies

If you are physically maintaining a visitor register in your society, it's time you go digital. Introducing SharkID - Visitor Management Solution for Smart Societies.  Watch Video

It's an easy single-step process.
> Visitors have to give just a miss call on Society Number / Security Officer Number
> Security Guard has to just adds House Number the visitor wishes to visit. 

Rest everything is provided by SharkID the social phonebook app
- Phone Number
- Name
- Date & Time
- Location
- Company Name (if available)

Key Benefits:
- Conveniences
- No need to install app
- Free (miss calls are free)

Additional Benefits to society
- Digital Visitor Record
- Accurate Data
- Analytics of visitors
- Download data as & when required
- Maintain social distancing (No need to touch or fill visitor register)
- Contact Tracing in case of Covid Cases
- 100% Secure data i.e. cannot be copied

Get Started - It takes less than a few minutes
Step 1 - Install SharkID app from Google Playstore
Step 2 - Set up your society 
Step 3 - Post a Poster at society entrance with Mobile Number of security guard

You are ready. Give a miss call & test it.

For Support, contact
Name - Venu Rathore
Number - +91-99099 95955
Email ID - support@sharkid.in

Monday, 1 June 2020

Retailers, send SMS & earn Rs. 1 to Rs. 11/SMS.

Are you a Retailer? Earn Rs. 1 to 11/SMS you send to customers
If you are a retailer then you can earn Rs. 1 to Rs. 11 by sending SMS to your customers. Your retail outlet can be from any segment i.e. Grocery, Electronics, Electricals, Agriculture, Materials, etc. All we are looking for is a valid retail outlet.

How does it work?
As India opens up post-Covid19 Lockdown, companies will need business. They will be spending millions on targetted marketing to grow revenue. For example, if you have a TV showroom with 1000 customers database, a TV manufacturer can approach you to send targetted SMS, Whatsapp message, Email to all your consumers & even pay you for it. 

SharkID platform can be used by all types of manufacturers i.e Whitegoods, Consumer Good, electronics, materials, textiles, furnishing, fashion, food & agro, etc for targeted marketing & increasing sales. In nutshell, SharkID helps retailers connect Manufacturers with consumers.

Do you have a database of 1000 or more customers?
A. If you have 1000 or more customers with you, Install SharkID now & set up your shop & await your first order.

B. If you do not have 1000 customers, then you can build the database using SharkID. Install now, and set up your shop.

How to get customers to run a marketing campaign on your database?
- Once you set up your shop, Manufactures can approach you directly. Or
- You can approach manufacturers whose products you sell. Or
- Manufacturers approach us & we, in turn, will approach you

Commercials. You get 90%, we get 10%
It's your database, hence you get 90% of the revenue & we get 10%
Manufacturers can approach you for a campaign or you can approach manufacturers for the campaign. In any case, you will get 90% of the revenue & SharkID will get 10% of the revenue you make.

SharkID Solutions:
A. SharkID as Visitor Management tool 
B. SharkID as Token Generation Application 

For Support, contact
Name - Venu Rathore
Number - +91-99099 95955

Email ID - support@sharkid.in