01: When you click on the participate button, it means you read offer terms & conditions & have understood as how the quiz or competition works and you agree to our Terms & conditions in totality.
02: You have the latest version of Shark ID app installed in your phone.
02: You have the latest version of Shark ID app installed in your phone.
03: Your primary number mapped with SharkID & PayTM account should be same, if you wish to redeem cash reward. If you have 2 or more mobile numbers, please add all those number to your SharkID Profile.
04: Do not create 2 Shark ID accounts if you have 2 mobile numbers.
04: Do not create 2 Shark ID accounts if you have 2 mobile numbers.
05: This offer cannot be clubbed with other offers.
06: Shark ID reserves the right to modify or withdraw the offer without giving any prior notice
07: For all-purpose, jurisdiction applicable will be Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
08: If you wish to get in touch with us, mail us at support@sharkid.in
09: Do rate us on Google Play store or Apple app store
10: Do follow us on Shark ID Facebook Page
11: Shark Identity Pvt Ltd app terms and services applied
12: In case of any discrepancy, the English blog will hold true
13: Do not use scripts to create fake/dummy accounts or police case can be filed against you.
14: Work as per the Information Technology Act 2000 of Govt. of India
15: Do not spam
16: Please ensure your profile is complete. If your profile is marked as junk, you will be debarred from participating
- First Name
- Last Name
- Verified Email Address
- Address
- Date of Birth
- Blood Group
- Hashtag
- Emergency Name & Number
- SharkID
- Profile Picture
17. Ensure that SharkID is your default phonebook app
18. Ensure that you open SharkID app, at least once a day. Even if caller ID pops up, it counts as active usage.
19. Make all calls from SharkID app using SharkID dialer.
17. Ensure that SharkID is your default phonebook app
18. Ensure that you open SharkID app, at least once a day. Even if caller ID pops up, it counts as active usage.
19. Make all calls from SharkID app using SharkID dialer.